Friday, October 5, 2012

Righteous Judgement

If you watched this episode of Boy Meets World I shouldn't have to say anything else, you would understand the purpose of this post. However, I will put my two cents in anyway. :)
          Think back to your high school days. Who were the cool kids? Who were the nerdy kids? Who were the rebels? We all knew then and can even remember now who belonged to what group. In high school those groups were called cliques. In the real world they're called social classes and are based off money instead of coolness. Some people have nice paying jobs that allow them to live comfortably while others are constantly working and struggle to make ends meet. We are all just people trying to make a living and create a name and life for ourselves. Whether or not we achieve this and how easily we achieve this depends on our different  backgrounds. We are all different and are born into different circumstances.  Having money doesn't make you important and being poor doesn't make you dirt. We are all people and we are all God's children. He loves us all the same no matter what our paycheck is. After all, we can't buy our way into Heaven! In the Holy Bible in John 7:24 we are reminded not to judge according to appearance, but to make righteous judgements. And in 1 Samuel 16:7 we are told that men look on the outward appearance of others, but that the Lord looketh upon the heart. This is what righteous judgement is - looking on the heart, having charity, and loving all of God's children for who they are, not for their money. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil (1Timothy 6:10). So why are we, as humans, so quick to judge one another? I know I have been guilty many times of making unrighteous judgments about people. I think she's ugly or he's short or she's stuck up, etc. I always have to keep reminding myself that whoever I judge is a child of God and that I should love them as He does. The above episode of Boy Meets World shows us that it really doesn't matter what social class you belong to or how much money you have, it's the people that matter. I think this is an important lesson for all of us, especially myself, to learn and to remember.

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