Saturday, October 20, 2012

Finding Your Knight in Shining Armor

How do you find a life partner? Where in the world is the person that you'll spend the rest of your life with? They are most likely right out your front door. Literally! People tend to date those people that are close to them. It's called propinquity. Funny word right?! That's why most long distant relationships don't work out so well - your not close so you can't be as involved with each other. Your life mate will obviously be the most attractive person on the Earth! and you will have the same interests and hobbies. These 3 things, propinquity, physical attractiveness, and similarities, are how people tend to find dates and ultimately a life partner. Then once you've found someone to date you may be asking, "is it love?"

What is love? How do you describe such a strong, deep emotion? I think love is a strong feeling you have that draws you to a person and motivates you to be better. The Greeks defined 4 different kinds of love. They are:
  • Agape - love that is independent of feelings; you are more concerned about their well-being. This can be called charity.
  • Eros - sexual and romantic love. It is most often associated with passionate love.
  • Philia - love between friends. It is like a brotherly love.
  • Storge - love between parents and children. There is a connection, a commitment, and a responsibility with this type of love.
Which kind of love is most important when dating or in a marriage? I believe that you need all 4 kinds of love, especially in a marriage.  Love starts out as Eros, the passionate love. The honeymoon stage of dating and marriage is all about passion - you can't get enough of each other. However, as time passes and you get to know one another more and more the love starts to evolve into varying degrees of all the other kinds of love. You love your spouse so much - there is a connection, you are committed, and you feel responsible for them and their well-being. Your love has gone from being on the surface to a deep and abiding love of passion and friendship. This is the most valuable kind of love, I believe, because this deep, abiding, companionate love creates unity - you and your spouse become one. I have only been married for about 10 months now, but I have seen and felt the love I have for my husband grow and deepen. I have loved getting to know more about him and I love that I will be able to get to know him more and grow closer to him in the years to come. I love you babe! :)

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