Saturday, September 15, 2012

Marriage is Ordained of God

          Today I was reading in Marriage & Family: The Quest for Intimacy about Marriage & Family in America. It begins by saying that we are social creatures because we all want and need intimate relationships - we want close, personal relationships with others. It's just in our nature. It goes on to talk about marriage and the happiness and satisfaction that can come from it. Research has shown that married people live longer, are happier, and better off overall than those who have casual dating relationships, cohabitate, or don’t date all. These are the cold hard facts! Yet it amazes me how so many people today decide to remain unmarried or to have casual dating relationships. Do they not want to be happy? It just testifies to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that Satan is real! He so desperately wants to destroy families and the plan of God! Satan has stolen the hearts of men with his counterfeit happiness and has lead people to believe that they can develop those intimate relationships they need in other ways than God has set forth. God has sent us here to live in families so that we can have those intimate relationships that we inherently seek for. He has done this so that we can learn to create more intimate relationships with friends and through dating, marrying and having children. There is a purpose to God’s plan and if we follow it I know that we will be truly happy and satisfied in life. Marriage is ordained of God! There may be ups and downs in marriage, but as we keep the Lord’s commandments He will bless us tremendously and we will know true happiness.

For further study of the purposes of marriage and family refer to The Family: A Proclamation to the World. It can be found here.

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