Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What Did You Say?!

This week we've been talking about 4 different theories used in family studies. They are: Family Systems Theory (analyze the whole not just the individual parts), Exchange Theory (you at least get back what you put in), Symbolic Interaction Theory (our perspective/how we interpret the symbols/signals we receive), and Conflict Theory (power struggles between genders or social classes).  The one I've been thinking about most is the Symbolic Interaction Theory. We all use symbols to communicate with one another whether it's words, how we say something, our body language, if we roll our eyes, or fold our arms etc. All of these are symbols and as we all have experienced these symbols are often times misunderstood or misinterpreted. So why do we misunderstand people so often? Why is our communication deficient between one another? It all has to do with the different experiences we have all had. For example, I can say something to my husband and he takes it a completely different way then I meant it because he might have a certain experience attached to that certain phrase. I may have a positive experience attached to the phrase, but perhaps he doesn't. It made me realize the importance of communication! If we don't communicate with one another no one can understand us or our feelings or what we're doing and why we're doing it. There needs to be a certain amount of communication so that the symbols we're sending and receiving don't get mixed up as much. This is especially important in a marriage and in a family. People get their feelings hurt all the time or get upset because of something a spouse/sibling does. We naturally think that they do it on purpose, but really they have a reason for feeling how they feel or for doing something. I, myself, am horrible at communicating. I never say why I'm doing something or why or what I'm feeling. I need to do better at explaining things to my husband, in particular, so that he understands me and where I’m coming from so we can be on the same page with each other.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Babies! Babies! BABIES!

I recently watched a broadcast called The New Economic Reality: A Demographic Winter. It talks about the worldwide drop in fertility rates and the effects of a declining population on the family, society, and even the economy. It was very interesting to see the affects of the current world trend to have smaller families.
            We’ve all heard the saying that family is the fundamental unit of society. The word fundamental means serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying. It also means of, pertaining to, or affecting the foundation. Therefore, the family is the foundation of society. The pyramid of society goes like this: first, family is at the foundation. The families create cultures which creates a society which creates a nation (see picture right). If you take out the foundation or the families from a society or nation it all comes crumbling down.
            People have many different reasons for not marrying and having children. The 2 most common reasons are that children are too expensive in today’s economy and that they don't want a child to get in the way of their career. It is true that to have a child or children is expensive, but it is better in the long run to have children than to opt out. We can look to Japan and Italy for an example. Their fertility rates are below what is needed to at least replace their current populations. Their economies have “tanked” and they are struggling to survive because of their declining populations. The economy decline comes as a direct result of fewer children being born because there are fewer people contributing to the economy. This is also why the housing market is so bad because there is no one to buy existing houses. As for people who choose to have a career over having children, I’ll just say this; women have forgotten their role as women as they have tried to complete with men. You can have children and still have a career. People do it all the time! Having the opportunity to have and raise children is the most important career that someone can have, in my opinion, because they are literally giving back to society by making sure there is a future generation to carry on the society. I think C.S. Lewis puts it all in perspective:

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only…to support the ultimate career.”

From a gospel viewpoint, the Lord has said that the family is central to His plan (see The Proclamation attached to previous post). God’s eternal plan is built around families. We are literally the spirit sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father and there are more of His children that want to have the opportunity to come to earth just like us. President Brigham Young said this about our duty to provide tabernacles (bodies) for those spirit children:

“There are multitudes of pure and holy spirits waiting to take tabernacles, now what is our duty?—To prepare tabernacles for them; to take a course that will not tend to drive those spirits into the families of the wicked, where they will be trained in wickedness, debauchery, and every species of crime. It is the duty of every righteous man and woman to prepare tabernacles for all the spirits they can.”

The world we live in today has lost all concept of family and what it means to be a family. Elder Boyd K. Packer, of the quorum of the twelve apostles, has said “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior.” If people understood the doctrine behind families and the importance of them they would stop delaying marriage and have a desire to have a family and children. They would understand the relationship between having children and their own overall well being. So what is the doctrine behind family? Here it is in a non-religious way.

Doctrine (Why): Family is the fundamental unit of society.
Principle (What): Have a family – get married and have babies!
Application (How): Stop delaying marriage and postponing having children.

If you remember anything from this post I hope it is this: 
If we fail to create a future generation our quality of life will surely decline.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Marriage is Ordained of God

          Today I was reading in Marriage & Family: The Quest for Intimacy about Marriage & Family in America. It begins by saying that we are social creatures because we all want and need intimate relationships - we want close, personal relationships with others. It's just in our nature. It goes on to talk about marriage and the happiness and satisfaction that can come from it. Research has shown that married people live longer, are happier, and better off overall than those who have casual dating relationships, cohabitate, or don’t date all. These are the cold hard facts! Yet it amazes me how so many people today decide to remain unmarried or to have casual dating relationships. Do they not want to be happy? It just testifies to me that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that Satan is real! He so desperately wants to destroy families and the plan of God! Satan has stolen the hearts of men with his counterfeit happiness and has lead people to believe that they can develop those intimate relationships they need in other ways than God has set forth. God has sent us here to live in families so that we can have those intimate relationships that we inherently seek for. He has done this so that we can learn to create more intimate relationships with friends and through dating, marrying and having children. There is a purpose to God’s plan and if we follow it I know that we will be truly happy and satisfied in life. Marriage is ordained of God! There may be ups and downs in marriage, but as we keep the Lord’s commandments He will bless us tremendously and we will know true happiness.

For further study of the purposes of marriage and family refer to The Family: A Proclamation to the World. It can be found here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Caution: First Time Blogger

Hello World! My name is Tracy Nuttall. I am new to blogging and am still trying to figure everything out so hopefully it will all be ok and work out. I created this blog as a requirement for the Family Relations class I am taking this semester up at BYU-Idaho. Therefore, a lot of my posts will be about that and what I learn or thoughts that I have. I'll try to make it as interesting as possible. I hope you enjoy! :)


To start off though I would like to say that family is the MOST IMPORTANT thing in this world! I truly believe that! They are there for you no matter what to love and support you. My family (right) has always been there for me and I can honestly say that my older sister Kimi is my best friend, other than my husband of course. Even now since I've been married my husband, Brad, has always supported me and loves me dearly, even when I can be a bit crazy and moody. I love my family!