Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Doing Things

      Wow! It has been a busy 2 weeks! I use to wonder how people got so much done in a day, especially stay-at-home-moms. I mean they take care of the kids, cook, clean, run errands, etc. How do they do all that?! Well, I finally figured it out! They DO it! They don't just sit around watching Netflix all day; they get up and they do what needs to be done. So that's what I've been trying to do! And man does it work! I feel like I can accomplish so much in a day now! I can watch Penny, do the laundry, make breakfast, lunch, and dinner, work, and even have time to do some of my hobbies. And I still watch Netflix, just not all day like I used to.

     Here are a few other things that have happened:
Penny got her 6 month shots. Boy did she not like those!

Penny is eating more solids!

  • Penny is getting so close to crawling! Wa-hoo! and also Uh-Oh! Time to baby proof!
  • Brad is almost finished with his 2nd quarter of Grad School! One more quarter and he'll have one year under his belt!
  • We got a new vacuum! It's a little $40 Dirt Devil! It works great! Our floors are so much cleaner! I don't have to worry about Penny eating dirt on the floor anymore! 
  • Penny modeling one of Benjamin's bandanas
  • I've been sewing up a storm making things for my sister's little boy Benjamin that's due in May! I made him little black cowboy boots and bandana bibs! They are super cute!

  • Brad, Penny, and I celebrated Valentines Day with a picnic at the park. We played a matching game with Hershey's kisses. Penny saw some little ducks too. It was nice and relaxing and fun. We then went grocery shopping. How romantic I know. 
The pin on the bear says "My future OD loves me"
  • I completed Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD! I am so proud of myself for sticking with it!

 I'm not very good at sticking with exercise programs because I either get bored or the workouts are too long. 20-30 minutes is just right.

I decided to do the 30 Day Shred because it was short and I knew it was challenging since I had done it in High School. Thing is I had never put real effort into it. I didn't change my eating habits eithero this time around I was determined to do it and do it right!

The new me!
There were days where I fought with myself to make myself do the workouts. I try to workout during Penny's morning naps. So, it's morning and I was usually tired and just wanted to take a nap. I had to remind myself why I started it and why I wanted to get through ALL 30 days! I felt so much better though after doing the workouts on the days I didn't really want to.

As far as eating goes, I tried to eat healthier. Tried being the key word because it didn't always happen. I have been reading Eat This, Not That books to help me with my goal of feeding my family good, wholesome meals. I have been learning what food is "good" and which is "bad" and how to tell the difference. I've also been following different instagram accounts about clean eating. This got me motivated to clean up my eating. Therefore, I made a list of clean foods and got them when Brad and I went to the store for Valentines Day! :)

I didn't get drastic results. They were subtle yet significant! I feel stronger, my body feels tighter (which is especially important after having a baby!), and I feel like I have more energy! I didn't take any measurements or my weight because it wasn't about how much I lost; for me it was about how I felt physically, emotionally, and spiritually! And I have to say that I feel great!

My plan now is to do Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 DVD and eat clean by doing meal prepping. It's kind of like making freezer meals except they are individually portioned. This will not only help me, but will also help my husband so he can take nutritious meals to school for lunch! I am excited about this lifestyle change I am making!

1 comment:

  1. And you still have time to FaceTime with me! When your phone works... ❤
